
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Wait, what is Homeboy Industries?

In case you've unintentionally stumbled upon this page, a brief explanation of Homeboy Industries: we are a non-profit gang intervention organization in Downtown Los Angeles. Over 12,000 people walk through our doors every year to take advantage of our free services- everything from tattoo removal to a charter high school, legal services to substance abuse counseling, baby & me classes to solar panel installation certification.

Our mission statement is "nothing stops a bullet like a job," and our social enterprises are the living example of this belief. Our Homegirl Café, Homeboy Bakery, Homegirl/Homeboy Merchandise, and Homeboy Silkscreen & Embroidery serve as training grounds for former gang members and high-risk youth to learn valuable skills while creating excellent products, and learning to work alongside former enemies.

However, at its heart, the true business of Homeboy Industries is not a business-- it is the fostering of a community of kinship, "gang rehab," a therapeutic place where former gang members, recently released, high-risk youth, and those cast aside are given what they need to return to society whole, healed, and resilient. The "bottom line" for Homeboy is to infuse hope in those for whom hope is foreign.

For more about Homeboy, check out our website:

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